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Институтът по отбрана "Професор Цветан Лазаров" е член на Crossref


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On June 18, 2020 the Bulgarian Defense Institute  held training of employees to work with the Centralized Automated Information System "Electronic Procurement". It was discovered by the Director of the Institute – Colonel PhD Dimitar Kirkov. Guest lecturer at the seminar was Mrs. Mariana Katsarova – lawyer, expert in public procurement. The aim of the seminar is to get to know the architecture and main aspects of the electronic platform and to acquire practical skills to work with it.


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JDST Vol.3: Defence Technology Foresight

The Bulgarian Defense Institute "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" published the new issue of the Journal of Defense and Security Technologies (Volume 3, June 2020).

The main focus of this volume is on the approaches for a long-term forecasting of the trends in the development of the defense technologies. It is dedicated to the results achieved in the framework of the European Defense Agency Project „Predictive methodology for Technology Intelligence Analysis“(PYTHIA), carried out in the period 2018-2020.

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Интегриран подход към киберсигурността с фокус върху човешкия фактор

The NATO Science and Technology Organization (NATO STO) published on its webpage the Technical Report of Human Factors and Medicine (HFM) Panel Research Task Group (RTG), titled Human Systems Integration Approach to Cyber Security (NATO STO HFM-259). 
This RTG-259 was established in 2015 and 7 NATO and Partnership for Peace nations among which Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine and USA contributed to the study. 

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Big Data Challenges – Situation Awareness and Decision Support

The Bulgarian Defense Institute "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" invites you to participate with publications in the Journal "Defense and Security Technologies". The topic of the journal is: „Big Data Challenges – Situation Awareness and Decision Support“.
In this issue of the journal, we intend you to continue the work on discussing and exploring how the Big Data Challenges – Situation Awareness and Decision Support may assist the military in understanding the situation and support them in making better decisions.

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