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Increasing the effectiveness of the mining artillery using mining and mining management systems

1. Higher education: 5. Technical sciences

2. Professional Field: 5.1 Mechanical Engineering

3. Doctoral program: Dynamics, Ballistics and Flight Management of Aircraft

4. Form of training: full-time (officer or citizen outside the system of the Ministry of Defense, SPAM and BA)

5. Applicant: Defense Institute "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov"

6. Primary Unit: "Weapons and Ammunition"

7. Accepting structural unit: Directorate "Development of VTTIM"

8. Actuality and Disserability of the Suggested Problem:

The modern world is characterized by a cardinal change in the geopolitical distribution of the zones of influence from the world's economic and military forces. Existing armed conflicts and potential threats are predominantly local, with a strong influence on international relations. Military force retains its role in achieving political goals and interests.

Leading forces (US, UK, France, Italy, Israel, Russia, etc.) pay special attention to developing high-quality means of attack.

Some of them are mining artillery firing controllable mines, the accuracy of which leads to a qualitative change of its intended purpose - destruction not only of group but also of single movable or stationary purposes. The high velocity and mobility of the launching system, coupled with the significant impact of the mine, turn mortars into a powerful and preferred tool in conditions where turbine systems are not effective.

At the present stage in the Bulgarian Army 82-mm and 122-mm mortars are used, which are destined for an area target.

The main indicator determining their effectiveness is the "grouping" of the firing, which is characterized by the mean deviations in depth (VD), direction (BC) and height (ВВ) to the shooting range (X). The numerical characteristics of the mortar systems available in the Bulgarian army are of the order of:

Grouping by distance -;

Group by destination -;

Height grouping.

By way of comparison, the grouping of distance, in modern artillery systems, can reach the ratio, which shows the significant "scattering" of the mines.

A characteristic flaw in the mining fire is the need to conduct a "shootout" leading to unjustified ammunition.

From this point of view, it is a priority to look for solutions to improve the "accuracy" of shooting by using mine control and guidance systems.

This is also essential in effectively combating terrorism using methods and resources in urban areas and civilian environments. The ability to keep an accurate fire is a prerequisite for reducing the risk of innocent victims, as well as lowering the number of ammunition needed to defeat a single target.

Globally, a major problem in the development of managed mining mines is their effectiveness - the cost-to-cost ratio.

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria do not have managed mine mines in this area have not conducted systematized theoretical studies. On the other hand, the military-industrial complex and the civilian sector of the economy have the opportunity to realize scientifically grounded developments.

Given the above, the proposed theme is up to date.

The topic is dissertable and can cover the following stages:

1. Systematic review of the global achievements in the field of managed mines;

2. Analysis of possible technological solutions as a prerequisite for the implementation of an appropriate mine guidance system;

3. Constructive possibilities for ballistic management of the mine along its flight path;

4. Theoretical studies proving the possibility of completing the necessary components in a finished product and its launching from mortars in the Bulgarian army.

5. Model (Optional) of an effective sample model.