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International programs and projects

The NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO)

  • AVT-BGR 2012-P/1 Estimation, Reduction and Pollution Prevention of Army Test Ranges;
  • BGR-AVT-2015-P1 Study on Application of Light – Weight Materials for Ballistic Protection;
  • Lecture series IST-108 Cyber ​​Defense Situation Awareness (2013-2016);
  • Lecture series IST-143 Cyber ​​Security Science and Engineering (2016-2018);
  • Lecture series IST-152 Intelligent autonomous agents for cyber ​​defense and resilience (2016-2019);
  • Lecture Series IST-157 Human in the Loop Considerations for artificial intelligence (2017-2020).

The NATO Science for Peace and Security Program (SPS)

  • Building a Cyber Resilient Society - SEE (2016);
  • CyRADARS - Cyber ​​Rapid Analysis for Defense Awareness of Real-time Situation (2017-2020). (2017-2020).

The European Defense Agency (EDA)

  • S.P.I.D.E.R. - Sensor Platform & Network for Indoor Deployment and Exterior Based Radiofrequency (2016-2017);
  • PYTHIA - Predictive methodologY for TecHnology Intelligence Analysis (2018-2019);
  • SOLOMON - Strategy Oriented analysis of Market forces in EU defence (2019-2021).

7th Framework Program of the European Commission

  • HOMER - Home made explosives - HMEs and recipes characterization (2013-2016).

The European Commission Horizon 2020 program

  • GAP - Gaming for Peace (2015-2018);
  • ROBORDER - Аutonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance (2017-2020);
  • CAMELOT - C2 Advanced Multi-domain Environment and Live Observation Technologies (2017-2020);
  • ECHO - European network of Cyber security centers and competence Hub for innovation and Operations, H2020 - scientific coordinator, current;
  • FOLDOUT - Through-foliage detection of illegal cross-border- activities, H2020 - current;
  • MEDEA - Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges, H2020 – current.


HORIZON 2020 CREST project - Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies
Project duration: Start date – 1 September 2019; End date – 31 August 2022
Bulgarian Defence Institute is a part of the consortium of the EU-funded CREST project. CREST’s overall objective is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of LEAs intelligence, operation, and investigation capabilities, through the automated detection, identification, assessment, fusion, and correlation of evidence acquired from heterogeneous multimodal data streams. Such data streams include (but are not limited to) Surface/Deep/Dark Web and social media sources and interactions, IoT enabled devices (including wearable sensors), surveillance cameras (static, wearable, or mounted on UxVs), and seized devices and hard disks. 
The developed platform will allow for 
(i) crime and terrorism prediction and prevention through the generation of automatic early warning alerts based on the assessment of threats detected using targeted monitoring, tracking, and analytics technologies;
(ii) improved operational capabilities enabled by an IoT ecosystem that will facilitate adaptive and dynamic mission planning and navigation based on autonomous systems for better surveillance and distributed planning and management for supporting distributed operational command and control;
(iii) improved situational awareness through advanced visual analytics, mobile applications, and projections in interactive augmented reality environments; and
(iv) enhanced investigation capabilities by increasing the confidence and trustworthiness of information sharing and digital evidence exchange based on block chain technologies.
CREST Project Consortium showcases an overall representation of 23 partners from 16 countries.