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      "Combat Systems and Equipment" Department

  • carries out research, scientific-applied and experimental-design activity in the field of automobile, armored and special vehicles and equipment, engineering equipment, road construction machines, military vehicles, tractors and trucks, anti-missile, aeronautical and naval equipment and means, technics, equipment, materials, equipment and camouflage used for military security and logistics;
  • analyzes the state and trends in technology and prepares prospective forecasts for the development of armored and special vehicles, engineering equipment, road construction machines, military vehicles, tractors and trucks, anti-missile, aviation, naval and logistics technics, military property and materials, equipment and camouflage;
  • develops tactical and technical requirements, technical specifications and expertise, test programs and methodologies, as well as other documents related to the acquisition of combat systems and equipment;
  • conducts scientific and technical support of the research and development phase of the defense products, which allows to reduce the technical risk and prevent the earliest possible stage of possible future losses in the realization of the other phases, which require the major part of the investments;
  • performs experimental design and experimental activities in order to justify the tactical and technical characteristics of the products. Offers technical solutions for upgrading or purchasing products for the needs of the Armed Forces;
  • participates in the drafting of strategies, concepts, programs, instructions, instructions, procedures, orders and other regulatory documents related to the overall life cycle of the defense products;
  • participates in programs, projects, developments and others in the field of applied research and technology of weapons and ammunition, optical and laser devices and methods, nuclear, chemical, biological protection and ecology, fuel and lubricants, and special oils and gases within NATO, the European Union and bilaterally;
  • cooperates with the national defense industry and exchanges of experience;
  • organizes and conducts presentations and demonstrations of companies offering combat systems and equipment.