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Invitation for publications in Journal of Defense and Security Technologies - JDST

The Bulgarian Defense Institute "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" invites you to participate with publications in the Journal "Defense and Security Technologies". The topic of the journal is: „Big Data Challenges – Situation Awareness and Decision Support“.
In this issue of the journal, we intend you to continue the work on discussing and exploring how the Big Data Challenges – Situation Awareness and Decision Support may assist the military in understanding the situation and support them in making better decisions.
Interested authors are invited to submit an original contribution addressing (but not limited to) one or more of the following topics: Artificial Intelligence; Challenges in Big Data exploration/exploitation; Cyber defence and security; Decision support; Human cognition and perception; Human Factors; Information warfare; Medicine/Genomics; Modelling and simulation; Sensors and electronic technology; Situation Awareness; Visual Analytics; Visualization.
    • Dr. Margaret Varga, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
    • Valerie Lavigne from Defense Research and Development Canada, government of Canada
Publication charges: Publication of the accepted in the JDST is free of charge.
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