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Radars and Navigation

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Professional field: 5.3 "Communication and Computer Equipment"

Field of higher education: 5 "Technical Sciences"

The doctoral program "Radars and Navigation" provides the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and professional competencies for the development and successful defence of a dissertation. The training is carried out in a regular and independent form of training with a duration of up to three years, and in part-time and by distance form of training with a duration of up to four years. Those who successfully defend their dissertations acquire the educational and scientific degree of "Doctor" in "Radars and Navigation".

Objectives of the doctoral program:

The training in the doctoral program "Radars and Navigation" aims to supplement and expand knowledge in this important field of science and technology to the level of educational and scientific degree "Doctor" and to provide training for specialists with the necessary theoretical basis, methodology and systematic approaches. for successful solution of tasks arising in the design, construction and operation of modern surveillance and intelligence systems and especially their integration into the C4ISREW systems.

Scope of the doctoral program:

Those who have acquired the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the doctoral program "Radars and Navigation" receive knowledge and skills for solving complex problems of scientific and applied nature and are prepared to perform the following activities:

to carry out research, experimental and design activities in the field of radar, radio navigation and radio electronic warfare (REW);

to solve complex tasks in the field of radar, radio navigation and REW, related to increasing the efficiency of radar and radio navigation aids as main sensors in the command, control, communication, computer and intelligence (C4I) systems with application in security and defensc;

to solve tasks related to the implementation of modern methods, principles and technologies in the process of modernization and creation of new models of radar, radio navigation equipment and tools for REW.

• to solve complex tasks related to the design, construction and operation of modern surveillance and intelligence systems and their integration into the C4ISREW systems.

Opportunities for realization

Those who have acquired the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the doctoral program "Radars and Navigation"can:

carry out research and teaching activities in higher schools and independent research in research institutions.

participate and manage programs, projects and developments of radar, radio navigation equipment and tools for REW.

participate and lead teams for implementation in the production of samples of radar, radio navigation equipment and tools for REW.

participate and lead expert bodies for technical testing of samples of radar, radio navigation equipment and means for REW and preparation of expertises.

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