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Automated Systems for Information Processing and Control

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Professional field: "Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation"

Field of higher education: 5 "Technical Sciences"

The doctoral program "Automated systems for information processing and control" provides the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and professional competencies for the development and successful defence of a dissertation. The training is carried out in a regular and independent form of training with a duration of up to three years, and in part-time and by distance form of training with a duration of up to four years. Those who successfully defend their dissertations acquire the educational and scientific degree of "Doctor" in "Automated systems for information processing and control ".

Objectives of the doctoral program:

The training in the doctoral program "Automated systems for information processing and control" aims to prepare specialists to conduct research in the field of design and construction of automated information systems and information processing systems, as well as their cyber protection. They must acquire practical experience and opportunities for conducting teaching and research activities in higher education institutions (HEIs) and research units, as well as production control for the needs of various private, corporate and state companies in the field of information systems and technologies.

The training is carried out in the following areas:

automated information systems and command and control systems;

military information systems;

computer systems and technologies for the control of troops and weapons;

protection of information in computer defence systems;

systems and technologies for construction of data centers and cloud architectures for military purposes;

modeling and simulations in the military field;

geographic information systems.


Scope of the doctoral program

The following results are achieved with the training of doctoral students in the doctoral program:

development of the theory and practice in the field of research, operation and modernization of the automated systems for control and processing of the information and improvement of the organization of their use;

development of methods, models and algorithms for analysis, design, development, diagnostics, and operation of automated information processing and control systems;

conducting scientific and applied research, creating simulation models and experimental methodologies for the development of theory and practice in the field of automated systems for information processing and control;

acquisition of new knowledge and skills and acquisition of competencies in the field of modern automated systems for information processing and control;

increasing the scientific growth and qualification of the academic staff by acquiring new knowledge and competencies in the creation and use of computer technologies for resource control in defence and security;

improving the competencies for developing and presenting the results obtained at scientific forums (conferences, journals, etc.), as well as skills for developing, presenting and defending a doctoral dissertation;

training of scientific personnel in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, automation, automated command and control systems, information systems, etc.


Opportunities for realization

Those who have acquired the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the doctoral program "Automated systems for information processing and control " can:

carry out research and teaching activities in higher schools and independent research in research institutions.

participate and lead teams for design and development of information processing and control systems in the industrial and non-industrial spheres.

participate and lead teams for implementation of information processing and control systems in the industrial and non-production spheres.

design new products and software systems and services in the field of automated systems for information processing and control.

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