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Passive software-defined radar detectors for detecting aerial objects with a small reflecting surface

1. Higher education: 5. Technical sciences

2. Professional field: 5.3 Communication and computer equipment

3. Doctoral program: Radiolocation and radio navigation

4. Form of training: part-time (military)

5. Applicant: Defense Institute "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov"

6. Primary Unit: "Command, Control, Navigation, Sensor, Surveillance and Radioelectronics Systems"

7. Accepting structural unit: Development of C4I Systems Directorate

8. Actuality and Disserability of the Suggested Scientific Problem:

Passive Radar Technology is one of the fastest growing technologies in the last decade. As is known, passive radars do not generate their own radio broadcasts in the field of observation. The detection process is carried out by means of signals from independent transmitters of different uses, reflected by the monitored objects. As radio frequency source transmitters can be used conventional radar transmitters, FM radio, GSM, LTE, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, DAB, DVB-T signals.

The powerful development of digital technologies and the dense coverage of Earth with a variety of electromagnetic sources generates many ideas for their application and leads to the realization of useful and effective solutions.

In the military area, passive radars have unquestionable advantages in terms of their hidden and low-reflecting aerial objects (SSL targets-Slow, Small and Low). Passive radars have a higher efficiency in detecting low-flying, low-speed targets and reduced-reflecting surfaces (Stealth).

In the process of development of the Ph.D. will be studied modern applications of military radar in the field of security and surveillance and solutions related to the detection of low-flying, low-speed targets with reduced reflective surface.

The expected results are related to the development, based on the modern concept of software-defined radio solutions, for passive software-defined radar architectures for detecting poorly monitored objects.