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      "Logistic and Financial Support" Department

  • organizes and performs the logistic and financial support in the Defence Institute;
  • organizes and performs the expenditure and accounting for the financial  resources under the Institute's budget, applying the principles of conformity with the law, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in financing of everyday activity;
  • performs the book-keeping policy, through organizing the financial activity and book-keeping accountancy, according the valid normative decrees and keeps a preventive control;
  • organizes and performs financial-accounting service and activities, concerning the formation and payment of the salaries, the social and health insurances of the military and civilian personnel;
  • organizes movement of the long-term actives and the material-resources, allocated for the activity of the Defence Institute (entering into account, storage, expenditure and take off the account);
  • organizes and participates in inventоryes and audits in time and periodicity, fixed in accordance with The Law of Accounting and The Internal Rules of the Ministry of Defence;
  • manages and maintains the housing, placed on disposal for use; maintains and organizes repairs of the adjacent infrastructure;
  • organizes and carries out the transport support in the Defence Institute;
  • works out periodical and annual analyzes, reports, information documents, certificates and other documents, concerning the financial and logistic support;
  • plans conducting the procedures for assigning of public orders; registers and controls their execution;
  • organizes and carries out the transport support in the Defence Institute;
  • woks out periodical end annual analyzes, reports, information documents, certificates, and other documents, concerning the financial and logistic support;
  • plans conducting of the procedures for assigning public orders; registers and controls their execution.