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National projects

The Defense Institute develops or participates in projects related to defense and national security as follows:

  • Project "Acquisition of a new type of combat aircraft" - Methodology for choosing the optimal option for realization of the project;
  • Project "Acquisition and maintenance of basic fighting equipment for building battalion battle groups from the composition of a mechanized brigade" - analysis and evaluation of the options for realization of the project;
  • Project "Multipurpose patrol vessel" - Tactical and technical assignment;
  • Project "Contingent CIP" - Tactical and technical assignment;
  • project "Automated Information System of the Bulgarian Army, Operational and Tactical Headquarters" - Technical and Economic Report, Tactical and Technical Terms;
  • Project "Cybersecurity" - Technical and Economic Report, Tactical and Technical Terms;
  • Project "Extension and development of the stationary communication system of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences", national and state funding (2008-2018);
  • project "Building a prototype cloud architecture that provides a platform for information services and secure exchange of information in a system of data centers" (2016-2019), Ministry of Defense;
  • project "Building an Integrated Information Portal for Collaboration of Officials in the Preparation, Exchange and Updating of Scientific and Technical Information and Reference Data" (2017-2019), Ministry of Defense;
  • Open Source Private Cloud (2010) and Commercial Virtualization Platforms (Windows, Wmware) - (2012);
  • Unified Integrated Information Environment - with over 30 Information Services (IaaS and SaaS) for Collaborative (Collaborative) Work of Organization Officials (2013);
  • Feasibility studies and elaborated Tactical and Technical Terms of Reference for the establishment of a Data Center System for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2014 - 2016);
  • IP-based PBX - up to 250 subscribers, compatible with digital and analogue PBXs and devices, allowing audio and video calls and conferences (up to 16 simultaneous) at extremely low cost.