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First NOTIONES Conference

The First NOTIONES Conference: Emerging Technologies for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Services took place on June 15th, 2022 in Brussels.
Two experts from the Defence Institute – Prof. Dr.Sc. Yantsislav Yanakiev and Ms. Iva Ranova took part in it.
The goal of the NOTIONES conference was to deepen the understanding of existing and emerging technologies in the fields of intelligence and law enforcement. The program included a keynote speech, presentations about the NOTIONES project, and a panel discussion. During the conference, the participants could also engage in sessions and workshops.

Prof. Dr.Sc. Yantsislav Yanakiev, leader of WP2 “Intelligence process and preliminary requirements”, participated in Parallel Session 3: “Activities performed by practitioners within the Intelligence cycle” with a presentation.
As part of the NOTIONES project a total of five conferences, to take place in Brussels, Bilbao, Madrid, Rome and Helsinki, will be organised. The objective of the NOTIONES conferences is to establish an expanding network of professionals dedicated to discuss and address long-standing intelligence challenges and related existing and emerging technologies.
Beside encouraging dialogue and exchange between practitioners, policy makers, academia and industry in the fields of intelligence and security the conferences will also provide updates on the latest findings and results of NOTIONES.
NOTIONES (iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS) Call: SU-GM01-2020 | Topic: Pan-European networks of practitioners & other actors in the field of security|GA Number:  101021853|Duration of the project: 01.09.2021 – 31.08.2026

NOTIONES is a Latin lemma meaning “notions, ideas, investigations, cognisance” and therefore refers to “being informed”.
The vision of the NOTIONES network is to build and maintain a pan-European ecosystem of security and intelligence practitioners in order to (1) monitor technologic opportunities and advancements and best practices and (2) define and refine requirements and standardization needs.

In order to achieve this objective the project, combines the expertise of 29 partners from 21 different countries; including 15 military, civil, financial and judiciary practitioners as well as local, national and international law enforcement agencies.
 “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” Defence Institute is leader of WP 2 - Intelligence process and preliminary requirements, and Task 2.3 The intelligence cycle) and Task 8.4 Exploitation of project results. In addition, BDI will contribute to the tasks of the other work packages.