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Workshop on: European Defense Fund (EDF)

On August 16, 2023, at the Central Military Club in Sofia, the Institute of Defense organized a workshop on the topic "European Defense Fund" (EDF). The meeting was opened by Colonel Borislav Genov - Director of the Defense Institute, who welcomed the participants in the meeting and was continued by Colonel Nikolay Stoyanov - Deputy Director of the Defense Institute.

Colonel Stoyanov presented to the participants the possibilities for their inclusion in projects of the European Defense Fund (EDF) program. He also presented the stages through which the application for participation in a given project goes from the very beginning: preparation of the application documents for a given project, how an organization can become a coordinator of a given project, as well as a detailed explanation of the individual directions with support from the Ministry of Defense (MoD).

The individual areas that were presented were: Ground combat, Air combat, Naval combat, Space, Cyber, Advanced passive and active sensors (SENS), Air and missile defense (Airdef), Underwater warfare (UWW), Information superiority (C4ISR), Materials and components (Matcomp). The working meeting continued with interesting discussions and questions from the participants regarding the role of the institute in these directions. The working meeting ended with closing remarks and next actions for the participation of the invited participants in the directions supported by the Ministry of Education.