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Supply, installation and commissioning of an apparatus for testing the resistance to textile staining of textile materials under atmospheric conditions and light

IS number: 3-3013-16.10.2018

APO number: 9081956

Status of the procedure: Collection of offers.

Deadline for submission of tenders:

until 17:00 on October 24, 2018 (Wednesday). Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed package by courier or by hand in the registry office of the Professor Tsvetan Lazarov Defense Institute at: 1592, Sofia, 2, Prof. Lazarov Blvd. - "Kuro" area. Reference Phones: 02 / 92-21806 and 02 / 92-21805 (from the reception desk - telephones 21806 and 21805), fax 02 / 92-21808.

Contact person:

1. Nikolay Zlatanov, tel .: 02/92 21840;

2. Petya Gencheva, tel .: 02/92 21865
