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"Administrative and Financial Support" Directorate


Head of  "Administrative and Financial Support" Directorate        Colonel Atanas Atanasov 02 92 21 810 


  • organizes and is responsible for the administrative-financial activities;
  • supports the Institute's director in performing the organizational-technical activities on the recruitment, attestation and career development of the human resources;
  • works out plans, organizes and is responsible on their implementation;
  • works out information documents and reports on Institute's activity;
  • works out orders and Rules on the internal order;
  • is responsible on adherence to The Requirements on healthy and safe labor conditions in workrooms and presents proposals on improvement the quality of work;
  • plans, organizes and carries out the logistic and financial-accounting support;
  • ensures carrying out the activities on planning, programming and accounting for the budget resources;
  • works out reports, analyses, informative documents, certificates and others, connected with the logistic and financial support;
  • organizes the use, distribution and management of the material-technical property and the effective expenditure of the material resources;
  • controls working out and issuing the documents by the personnel, under strict observation of the normative acts.