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Testing Laboratory of the Ministry of Defence

TESTING LABORATORY OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (TL of the MoD) is established in 1970. Today the laboratory is functioning as a department of the "Testing and Control of Armaments, Equipment and Materials" Directorate to the Defence Institute "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov".

Since 2012, the laboratory is accredited to BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025 "General Requirements on the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories", by the "Bulgarian Accreditation Service" Executive Agency. According to Order № А 201/31.03.2021г. and Certificate Reg. № 60 ЛИ/31.03.2021.

The laboratory's subject of activity is conducting of tests and researches on products resistance characteristics to certain external influences:

  • climatic impacts by temperature, temperature shock, moisture and salt fog;
  • atmospheric influences by sun radiation, reduced air pressure etc.;
  • mechanical impacts by shock, vibrations, dust, tension pull and pressure;
  • ballistic protection against small and cold arms.

Relations with customers/clients are being carried out by the Head of the Laboratory or by an representative, authorized by him. Each service is being performed after an Request for service, placed by the customer. In this Request must be accurately described the product, the requirements upon the test conditions, methods and dead-lines. The requested activity is being valued according to an approved laboratory Pricelist, for which the customer is being informed.

The test products must be submitted to the laboratory with an take in/hand in protocol, with an enclosed technical documentation, allowing assessment of the conditions, abilities for stability and an safety precautions instruction.

Every potential or real client could visit the laboratory, in order to be acquainted with the test's methods, technical devices and conditions. The customers could receive, either verbally or in writing, an information about the offered services, from the Head of TL of the MoD or from an authorized laboratory representative.

The laboratory is equipped with some unique technical devices, covering at all the requirements of the standardized test methods in the declared range. They are being continuously maintained and updated, to be in compliance with current Bulgarian and international standards, as well as with some specific military normals.

The laboratory staff is highly qualified, with a wide professional experience. The qualification is being kept up through some qualification courses and individual elaborations.

All the activities, performed by the laboratory, are subject to the Bulgarian legislation, regulatory and development acts and standards, applicable to the scope of the laboratory's activity.


Testing Laboratory of the Ministry of Defence

eng. Alexander Ranov - Head of the laboratory

Оffice phones:   (+3592) 92 21 871; (+3592) 92 21 377

Мobile:               (+359) 0897067831

E-mail:       (ilnamo[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)