Cooperation with НАТО (STO)
Since 2011, to the Defense Institute “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” are assigned the functions of managing and organizing the work of the Bulgarian side with the NATO Science and Technology Organization which is the largest Defense and Security Research Forum in the world. More than 5,000 scientists are actively engaged in NATO (STO). At the same time, STO maintains a network benefiting from the expertise of more than 200,000 people from Alliance and Partner countries. Its annual work program includes over 300 projects.
The Science and Technology Organization forms the Alliance's policy in the field of research and technology, leading to the continuous improvement of its allied operational capabilities. Its aim is to increase the effectiveness of the use of national defense research through joint research and exchange of information in cooperation with Member States and partners, to the benefit of meeting NATO's military needs.
The STO is governed by the NATO Science and Technology Board (STB). The Board administers the STO’s scientific and technical committees and its three executive bodies: the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) in La Spezia, Italy; the Collaboration Support Office in Paris, France; and the Office of the Chief Scientist at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
Deputy Director of the Defense Institute – COL. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolai Stoianov is a national representative of the Republic of Bulgaria in the STO Board (desk: + 359 292 21 801; факс: 359 292 21 808; E-mail: (n[dot]stoianov[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg))
National co-ordinator in STO is LTC Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliyan Hutov (desk: + 359 292 21 864; факс: 359 292 21 808; E-mail: (i[dot]hutov[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)).
The Scientific and Technical Committees, composed of members of national and NATO bodies, direct and execute joint scientific and technological activities of the Alliance. Technical groups are involved in research, conduct research, organize seminars, symposia, polygon tests, give lectures, conduct training courses, ensure continuity in the work of the network of experts in the various groups and panels and interdisciplinary activity.
The Institute organizes and coordinates the participation and activities of our national representatives in the following STO panels:
Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT Panel)
Panel Voting Member
Prof. DSc. Hristo Ivanov Hristov
Phone: +359 2 92 21851
Fax: +359 2 92 21808
E-mail: (h[dot]i[dot]hristov[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)
System Analysis and Studies (SAS Panel)
Panel Voting Member
COL Ivo Radulov
Phone: + 359 2 92 22 573, 359 886736564
E-mail: (i[dot]radulov[at]mod[dot]bg)
NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG Panel)
Panel Voting Member
COL Dimcho Stefanov Zhechev
Phone: + 359 2 92 22303,+ 359 889 905720
E-mail: (d[dot]jechev[at]mod[dot]bg)
Human Factors and Medicine (HFM Panel)
Panel Voting Member
Prof. Dr. Sc. Yantsislav Yanakiev
Phone: + 359 888 498977
Fax: +359 2 92 21808
E-mail: (y[dot]yanakiev[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg); yantsislavyanakiev (yantsislavyanakiev[at]gmail[dot]com)
Systems Concepts and Integration (SCI Panel)
Panel Voting Member
COL. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Ivan Penchev Ivanov
Phone: +359 2 92 21822, +359 882 110015
Fax: +359 2 92 21808
E-mail: (i[dot]p[dot]ivanov[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)
Information Systems Technology (IST Panel)
Panel Voting Member and chair
COL Dr. Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Stoianov
Phone: + 359 2 92 21 801
Fax: +359 2 92 21808
E-mail: (n[dot]stoianov[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)
Sensors and Electronics Technology (SET Panel)
Panel Voting Member
MAJ Dr. Angel Genchev
Phone: + 359 2 92 21 828
Fax: +359 2 92 21808
E-mail: (a[dot]genchev[at]di[dot]mod[dot]bg)